Do animators make 6 figures?

Do Animators Make 6 Figures?

The question of whether animators can make six figures has been a topic of much debate within the animation industry. While some animators do indeed earn salaries that reach into the six-figure range, others struggle to make ends meet. In this article, we'll explore the factors that influence an animator's earnings, the average salaries within the industry, and the steps one can take to increase their chances of earning a six-figure salary.

Factors Influencing Animator Salaries

Several factors can impact an animator's salary, including:

1. Location

The location where an animator works can significantly affect their salary. Animators working in major animation hubs, such as Los Angeles, New York, or London, tend to earn higher salaries due to the higher cost of living and the concentration of animation studios.

2. Studio Size and Reputation

Larger studios and those with a strong reputation in the industry often offer higher salaries to attract and retain top talent. Animators working for prestigious studios like Pixar, DreamWorks, or Disney can expect to earn more than those working for smaller studios or startups.

3. Experience and Skill Level

More experienced animators and those with a higher level of skill are likely to command higher salaries. Animators who have a strong portfolio, a solid understanding of animation software, and experience working on high-profile projects are more likely to earn a six-figure salary.

4. Job Role

Within the animation industry, there are various roles, including 2D animator, 3D animator, character animator, and effects animator. Salaries can vary depending on the specific role and the demand for that role within the industry.

5. Union Representation

In some cases, animators are members of unions, such as the Screen Actors Guild-American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (SAG-AFTRA) or the Animation Guild. Union contracts can provide minimum salary requirements, benefits, and other protections that can contribute to higher earnings.

Average Animator Salaries

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the median annual wage for multimedia artists and animators was $77,700 in May 2020. However, this figure includes salaries for various roles within the animation industry, and the actual salary can vary widely.

1. Entry-Level Animators

Entry-level animators, with less than two years of experience, can expect to earn between $40,000 and $60,000 per year. This range can vary depending on the factors mentioned above, such as location, studio size, and skill level.

2. Mid-Level Animators

Animators with 3-5 years of experience can expect to earn between $60,000 and $80,000 per year. Those with a strong portfolio, a proven track record of successful projects, and specialized skills may see their salaries approach the six-figure range.

3. Experienced Animators

Animators with more than five years of experience and a strong reputation within the industry can expect to earn salaries in the six-figure range. Top animators working on high-profile projects for prestigious studios can earn upwards of $150,000 per year.

Steps to Increase Earnings

While not all animators will reach the six-figure salary range, there are steps they can take to increase their chances:

1. Continuous Learning

Staying up-to-date with the latest animation software, techniques, and industry trends can help animators maintain a competitive edge. Attending workshops, taking online courses, and participating in professional development opportunities can lead to higher-paying job opportunities.

2. Networking

Networking within the animation industry can open doors to higher-paying jobs and freelance opportunities. Attending industry events, joining professional organizations, and connecting with other animators on social media can help build valuable professional relationships.

3. Specialization

Specializing in a niche area of animation, such as character animation, simulation, or visual effects, can increase an animator's value within the industry. Specialized skills can lead to higher-paying job opportunities and freelance work.

4. Freelancing and Side Projects

In addition to full-time employment, animators can increase their earnings by taking on freelance projects or working on personal projects. These opportunities can help build a strong portfolio, improve skills, and generate additional income.

5. Negotiation

When negotiating salary and compensation, it's essential to research industry standards, understand your worth based on your experience and skill level, and be prepared to advocate for yourself. Being confident in your abilities and knowing your worth can lead to higher salaries.


While not all animators will reach the six-figure salary range, it is possible with the right combination of experience, skill, and industry connections. By continuously learning, networking, specializing, and seeking out additional income opportunities, animators can increase their chances of earning a higher salary within the competitive animation industry.

Ultimately, the path to a six-figure salary as an animator will vary depending on individual circumstances and industry factors. However, with dedication, hard work, and a strategic approach, animators can achieve financial success and fulfillment in their careers.

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