Is 30 too late to start animation?

“Is 30 Too Late To Start Animation?”: A Definitive Answer

It’s never too late to pursue something new, especially when it comes down to creative fields like animation! The misconception around age often discourages people from pursuing their passions later in life. However, we believe there should always room for learning and growth at any stage of our lives. So let us debunk this myth once and for all – no, 30 isn’t “too old” or even close to being so if you want to dive into an exciting career path such as animation. In fact, starting now might bring along some advantages compared to those who begin early on in their careers. Here’s why…

Firstly, having experience under one’s belt could actually prove beneficial while venturing out onto uncharted territories. With more years behind them than fresh-out grad students would typically have had access to during schooling hours – they can apply practical knowledge towards honing skills specific within animated productions faster because these individuals already understand workflow processes better due largely thanks solely based upon prior experiences acquired over time through different roles held previously across varying industries.

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