Is motion design part of UX?

Is Motion Design Part of UX?

Motion design plays a crucial role in enhancing user experience (UX). It’s more than just eye candy; it’s a powerful tool that can guide users, create delightful interactions, and improve usability. In this article, we’ll explore the fundamentals of motion design, why it matters, and how to integrate it effectively into your UX workflow.

Why Does Motion Matter?

When users interact with your product, they subconsciously ask questions like:

  1. “What’s most important on this screen?”
  2. “What can I do next?”
  3. “Did I complete my task?”

These questions reveal opportunities to use motion strategically. Let’s dive into why motion matters:

1. Guiding Attention

Motion directs users’ attention to specific areas. Well-designed motion makes the UI more predictable and easier to navigate. It emphasizes the right elements at the right moment, guiding users through their journey. For example, moving a button or panel in response to user interaction provides visual feedback and hints at what will happen next.

2. Spatial Logic

State changes in many products involve hard cuts by default. However, abrupt transitions can confuse users (a phenomenon known as change blindness). Motion design bridges this comprehension gap by defining spatial relationships between screens and individual elements. It helps users understand where things come from and where they can find them again, creating a smoother experience.

3. Delight

Beyond usability, motion brings delight to UX. Delightful interactions evoke emotional connections with users. Whether it’s a subtle animation or a playful transition, well-executed motion enhances the overall experience.

Motion Language

Motion-based design elements include transitions, animations, and moving textures that mimic 3D depth. Here are some places to integrate motion into your UX workflow:

  1. Driving Users’ Attention:
    • Use motion to draw attention to critical elements.
    • Make buttons and panels respond in delightful ways to user interactions.
    • Provide visual cues about what’s about to happen.
  2. Spatial Logic:
    • Define spatial relationships between screens and elements.
    • Avoid hard cuts; help users understand transitions.
    • Create a seamless flow within your interface.
  3. Delightful Interactions:
  • Experiment with motion to evoke positive emotions.
  • Consider context and user expectations.
  • Aim for a natural feel that surprises and delights.

Remember, motion design isn’t just about aesthetics; it’s a language that communicates with users. When used thoughtfully, motion can elevate your UX and create memorable experiences.


  1. Motion in UX Design by Nick Babich
  2. The Magic of Motion: How Animation Enhances User Experience
  3. The Role of Motion Design in UX
  4. A Guide to Motion Design Principles

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