What about WebP? How does it compare to PNG and JPEG?

 Let’s compare WebPPNG, and JPEG formats:

  1. WebP:
    • Compression: Efficient compression without compromising quality.
    • Transparency: Supports alpha transparency.
    • Ideal Use: Excellent for performance-focused websites.
    • Browser Support: Widely accepted by major browsers.
    • Trade-off: Balances quality and file size well.
  2. PNG:
    • Quality: Highest quality, but larger file sizes.
    • Transparency: Strong support for transparent backgrounds.
    • Use Cases: Ideal for images requiring transparency (logos, icons).
    • Browser Support: Nearly universal across platforms.
  3. JPEG:
    • Compression: Achieves smaller file sizes, but with some quality loss.
    • Use Cases: Well-suited for photographs and complex images.
    • Browser Support: Widely supported.

In summary, choose WebP for efficient compression, PNG for transparency, and JPEG for photos. 🌟

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